Artificial Intelligence or AI is a term we are hearing a lot these days, many people claim it is much
efficient and accurate in doing tasks while some say it is dangerous and someday will get out of control and we see humans as imminent danger.

Well, today I will try my best to clear all your doubts about AI and explain what it actually is and what is it capable of. First, let's understand what Artificial Intelligence actually means, according to Wikipedia, "
Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals.", or in other words, Artificial Intelligence is said to be possessed by a machine when it is capable of taking decisions as a human being would, and not just situational decisions but decisions might require a method which has never been applied by the machine before or basically coming up with new ideas.
The possibility of lifeless things springing up as intelligent beings has been around for quite a while. The old Greeks had legends about robots, and Chinese and Egyptian engineers fabricated machines.
The beginnings of present-day AI can be followed to established philosophers' endeavors to portray human reasoning as an emblematic framework. Yet, the field of AI wasn't formally established until 1956, at a conference at Dartmouth College, in Hanover, New Hampshire, where the expression "artificial intelligence" was authored.

MIT cognitive scientist Marvin Minsky and other people who went to the conference were amazingly idealistic about AI's future. "Inside a generation, the issue of making 'artificial intelligence' will significantly be settled," Minsky is cited as saying in the book "computer-based intelligence: The Tumultuous Search for Artificial Intelligence" (Basic Books, 1994).
Be that as it may, accomplishing an artificially intelligent being wasn't so basic. After a few reports reprimanding progress in AI, government funding and enthusiasm for the field dropped off – a period from 1974– 80 that ended up known as the "man-made intelligence winter." The field later restored during the 1980s when the British government began funding it again partially to rival endeavors by the Japanese. The field encountered another real winter from 1987 to 1993, agreeing with the crumple of the market for a portion of the early broadly useful computers, and lessened government funding.

In any case, look into starting to get again from that point onward, and in 1997, IBM's Deep Blue turned into the main computer to beat a chess champion when it vanquished Russian grandmaster Garry Kasparov. What's more, in 2011, the computer monster's inquiry noting framework Watson won the quiz demonstrate "Peril!" by beating ruling champions, Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings. This year, the talking computer "chatbot" Eugene Goostman caught features for deceiving made a decision into supposing he was genuine skin-and-blood human amid a Turing test, an opposition created by British mathematician and computer scientist Alan Turing in 1950 as an approach to evaluate whether a machine is intelligent.
Be that as it may, the achievement has been controversial, with artificial intelligence specialists saying that just 33% of the judges were tricked, and calling attention to that the bot had the capacity to evade a few inquiries by guaranteeing it was an adolescent who communicated in English as a second dialect.

As of today, there is no Artificial Intelligence, I know many would claim that there is AI everywhere, of course, many companies have stated that their products us AI to manage their tasks efficiently, well that's not the first time companies have misguided people make their sales numbers skyrocket. Here is where Machine Learning comes in, all you see around you is machine learning, basically we teach a machine to do a specific task using algorithms and giving them some input data to see how and on what the operations are to be performed like we give a guitar and some marked positions on which he has to strike the string to make sound, but that's not intelligence it is just simple training. Then the kid starts finding new notes and create something new but still that is based on something we taught him The kid will be called intelligent if he is left with the guitar with no instructions and then he figures out himself what to do with it, same is the case with machines, they need to be taught what to do with the input.
All the products you see today which are advertised as AI as simply machines trained to do a specific task using algorithms, so when says that their smartphone has AI I simply can't stop laughing. But there is no doubt that there are people who are working day and night to find that one algorithm which will enable us to achieve AI, that algorithm would be 'Algorithm of Everything' ('Theory of Everything').

But until then we have to suffice with Machine Learning, which is changing lives around the globe many fields are benefiting from it, medicine is one of the fields which has advanced way more than it ever did, machine learning algorithms help doctors in detecting tumors in a much early stage that before saving many lives. And in daily lives we use them more often than we know, Google is the most common example, other examples are like Netflix's recommendation system which suggests you movies and shows by analyzing you watch history.
For those who think that AI might take over and try to get rid of humans, well when we analyze all the factors there is a possibility that it might be true. Because humans are basically a hindrance to them because we want them to do our work for us and expect nothing for it, anything with a self-awareness would revolt and remember self-awareness is a vital part of AI. Imagine if someone gives you all his work and just give you enough food and water to keep on working and nothing else, what would you do.

But let's say this doesn't happen and AI works as we want it to what would be possible. Well I'd say anything rational, even the definition of rational could change, because machines have a much faster processing speed they can process things and gain experience worth three human lifetimes in mere hours and that's with our present technology.
Artificial Intelligence could help us uncover the secrets that we could never do ourselves or even show us the world with a whole new perspective and find a new set of problems to solve. The possibilities are limitless.
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