Issues with going to Mars

Going to Mars?

Mars, also known as the sister planet of Earth ,more like a step-sister   cause they don’t look alike, like at all.

Humans have been curious to go to mars as it is much promising candidate when it comes to interplanetary life. It is has a rotation period of 24 hours and 40 minutes and has potential of life.

But there are many factors that prevent us from canalizing mars and following are some of the main ones:

Long way to go
The first issue is to send a human crew to mars, see it would take 6 months to reach there which is mentally challenging . If you are stuck in a space capsule with 4 or more people for 6 months it won’t take time for you to go from this to this.

Low Gravity
Mars' mass is 6.42 x 1023 kilograms, about 10 times less than Earth. This affects the force of gravity. Gravity on Mars is 38 percent of Earth's gravity, so a 100-pound person on Earth would weigh 38 pounds on Mars. Humans don’t do that well in low gravity, as our bones start to deteriorate and our muscle mass starts to fall as in low gravity effort applied by the body decreases, though. This can be coped up with regular exercise. And I thought low gravity was fun.

Radiation Levels
The second thing that we need to worry about is radiation. The earth has a molten iron core which when moves creates a magnetic field which protects us from solar flares and cosmic radiation. Mars has no magnetic field to protect us. Trust me UV glasses won’t work.

Acidic Environment
Acidic soil, yup that’s a thing there. Martian soil is abundant of 
per-chlorates , it’s one chloride molecule bonded with 4 oxygen molecules, 1% of Martian soil consists of per-chlorates , that’s not a huge amount but enough to kill humans, there are per-chlorates on earth on which bacteria feeds, but become toxic to them to in presence to UV radiation in which Mars baths everyday. However there is a benefit of per-chlorates, they are easy to break hence we can release oxygen into the atmosphere if we are able to create one.

Mars  has a thin atmosphere hence the temperature in day is up to 70 degrees F (20 degrees C) near the equator, but at night the temperature can plummet to about minus 100 degrees F (minus 73 C).. This can be solved by doing what we humans do best that is global warming. There are two ways the fast way and the slow way. The fast one is that we nuke both the poles of mars releasing more CO2 and H2O in air increasing the temperature on surface or we setup factories on mars which slowly increase its temperature by releasing green house gases into its atmosphere, but then again we don’t want to make the Martian surface more radiated than it already is so would go for the slow way.


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