Quantum Teleportation is real?

Quantum teleportation to space has been done successfully, which is super exciting but as the term suggest quantum so we are actually not able to teleport humans to Mars like Doom but we transferred data. Chinese scientist beamed photons from ground to a satellite orbiting above the Earth, then they experimented with them using Quantum Entanglement.
For those who are new to the concept of Quantum Entanglement, according to Wikipedia,” Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when pairs or groups of particles are generated or interact in ways such that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the others, even when the particles are separated by a large distance—instead, a quantum state must be described for the system as a whole.” So, in a nutshell, this phenomenon occurs when two or groups particles usually photons that are created together behave like twins and their behavior is similar even at great distances like their spin if one particle changes its spin the other would do the same instantly no matter where is the other twin in space and time.

Now since the particles which were sent to the satellite and ones on Earth were entangled, when the scientists observed the spin of the Earth-photon they could also know the spin of the photons in space too. They would spin in the exact same way although there is no physical communication between them.
How is it done, well no one knows for sure, as we have discussed Quantum physics is a branch which has much to explore, and since it’s weird for these particles to behave in such manner Einstein gave Quantum Entanglement a name, he called it Spooky Action? In the Chinese experiment, the satellite was able to sense the quantum state of the photons so they could prove that the photons were entangled even across a huge distance.
So how is it useful in our daily lives?

Well just think about it we carry out most of our communications on radio waves, let’s take WiFi an example we have encryptions but still, it can be broken and someone can steal your data, we do have a secure way by using LiFi to know more check out this post:

But still it can be compromised to if someone else is in the same room using the same transceiving device, but if we could make entangled phones for example, when my quantum particle moves so will yours so we could take advantage of that and we could establish a communication without any perceivable physical interaction. Not only this quantum mechanics gives us another advantage that makes our data transfers much more secure, according to quantum mechanics if we observe a particle it changes its state, so if I send you a file and someone is somehow able to make a particle which mimics mine he would alter the behavior of his and my particle so not only he would fail to extract data but it would alert me due to changes in my particle. This could be the ultimate security.
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